速報APP / 攝影 / WildAnimal Collage and Frame

WildAnimal Collage and Frame


檔案大小:15.4 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


WildAnimal Collage and Frame(圖1)-速報App

Wild Animal Photos from Professional Photographers licensed to create Wild Life Photo Frames to decorate your photos with awesome messages.

Wild Life Photos that are licensed by us for this Animal Frames includes:

1. Tiger Photos.

2. Lion Photos.

WildAnimal Collage and Frame(圖2)-速報App

3. Zebra Photos.

4. Wild life like Elephant Photos and more animals are included.

21 Different Animal Photos from Jungles are included to created frames in Heart Shaped Photo Frames, Round Frames and more are included.

Also Included Draw over Photos so that You can create Message Photos and Text Over Photo Frames is also included to Include text messages on Photo Frames created.

WildAnimal Collage and Frame(圖3)-速報App

Wild Animal Photo frames from nows comes with Cut Paste Photo Editor to Paste your photos on Wild animal Photo Backgrounds.

1. Cut your Photos that you want to Appear on Wild Animal Backgrounds.

2. Trim the Edges to make sure your photos appear natural on Wild Animal Photo Backgrounds.

3. Paste your cut photos against wild animal backgrounds.

WildAnimal Collage and Frame(圖4)-速報App

Wild Animal now include Wild animal live wallpapers. The animals live wallpaper give you Rotating animal Wallpapers with ability to set changing wallpaper timer.

Wild Animal Photo frames now includes Wild Animal Photo Collages. Wild Animal Collages lets you add Photos in transparent areas that are in shapes like Circular, Heart Shape Collages, Square Collages and more.

Now you can search for Wild Animals of your choice to make you Wild animal frames and Wild animal collages or your Photo backgrounds.

WildAnimal Collage and Frame(圖5)-速報App
